Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineers are Innovators


Through our innovative curriculum, expert instruction 和 h和s-on experiences, 你会发展工程思维和技术知识,你需要在这个令人兴奋的职业产生影响.

Why Major in Aerospace Engineering at Clarkson?

您将获得航空航天系统基础的坚实基础:空气动力学, 结构, 推进, 动力学和控制, 和软件, as well as unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), 纳米材料, autonomous systems 和 wind energy.

esball国际平台客户端的航空航天工程学位赋予你高度可转移的技能, 包括商业头脑, 批判性思维, high-level math 和 written communication.


Aerospace engineering majors take courses in:

  • 飞机设计I和II
  • Aircraft Performance 和 飞行力学
  • Aircraft Structural Analysis
  • Design of Aircraft Structures
  • Design of Propulsion Systems
  • Intro to Spacecraft Engineering
  • 轨道力学
  • Stability 和 Control of Aerospace Vehicles

In the aerospace engineering capstone course, 您将在团队中设计飞机并将解决方案过程应用于现实生活中的问题.

航空航天工程本科学士学位课程包括120个学分中的87个学分. 航空工程的87个学分包括应用物理课程, 应用数学, engineering science 和 机械 engineering. 

航空工程课程包括36个航空工程学分, 21 credit hours in 电 science, 和 at least 35 credit hours in other courses. 3 credit hours are in free electives.

All courses are 3 credits unless noted.

Clarkson Common Experience

以下课程是所有学生的必修课程,无论他们的学习计划如何. These courses are offered during the fall semester, with FY100 First-Year Seminar being required of only first-year students. FY100和UNIV190通常在esball国际平台客户端第一年的秋季学期进行. 
FY100第一年研讨会 (1) 
UNIV190 The Clarkson Seminar (3学分)


Students are required to complete the following courses:

  • AE201 Introduction to Experimental Methods in Mechanical & 航空航天工程 (1) 
  • AE212 Introduction to Engineering Design 
  • AE301 Experimental Methods in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (1) 
  • AE324动力系统  
  • AE342 Intro to Comp Methods (1) 
  • AE350 Aircraft Structural Analysis 
  • AE401 Advanced Experimental Methods in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (1)
  • AE425空气动力学  
  • AE427 Design of Propulsion Systems 
  • AE429飞机性能 & 飞行力学 
  • AE430稳定 & Control of Aerospace Vehicles 
  • AE431气体动力学 
  • AE450飞机设计1  
  • AE451飞机设计2 
  • AE458 Design of Aircraft Structures


Students are required to complete the following 专业经验: 


Students must complete the following courses:


  • ES220静力学
  • ES222 Strength of Materials
  • ES223刚体动力学 
  • ES250电气科学
  • ES260材料科学 & 工程我 
  • 流体力学
  • ES340热力学 


  • MA231微积分III
  • MA232 Elementary Differential Equations
  • or MA331傅里叶级数 & 边值问题 
  • STAT383概率 & 统计数据



Students must complete one course from the following:

BY160生物学II:细胞 & 分子生物学
CM132 General Chemistry II (4 credits)


The student must complete 9 credits of professional electives. Professional electives are upper-division courses in mathematics, 物理, other engineering disciplines; for example, STAT383 Applied 统计数据, MA339 Fourier Series 和 Boundary-Value Problems, ME444 Computer-援助ed Engineering (CAD), 优化工程, ES350生物力学, ME390 Additive Manufacturing 和 ME429 Welding 和 Metallurgy.

Knowledge Area/University Course 选修课

航空工程专业的学生必须修满至少15个学分,以满足知识领域和/或大学课程选修通识教育的要求. This must include ES110 Engineering & Society 和 a course in economics, such as EC350 Engineering Economics.




As an undergraduate student, 您将有机会与教师专家一起获得实践研究经验. 航空航天工程专业的学生受益于系内教师和esball国际app所从事的各种各样的研究项目, from optimizing luge sleds for the U.并创造最新的风管式风力涡轮机技术,为行业合作伙伴改善工程系统的运行和设计,并了解语音的喉部空气动力学. Learn more about research at Clarkson.

一年两次, 近200家雇主来到校园招聘esball国际平台客户端的本科生进行实习和合作, 和 aerospace engineering students are in dem和. 许多学生在我们的招聘会上遇到的公司实习或带薪实习,毕业前就得到了全职工作机会. Learn more about co-ops 和 internships.

本科航空航天工程专业的学生通过我们的SPEED(学生工程经验和设计项目)团队获得实践经验, especially representing the department on our Design, 构建, 飞的团队, 每年参加国际美国航空航天学会(AIAA)竞赛的哪个. Any major can join any of our 12个SPEED团队, with aerospace engineers joining other teams like FIRST Robotics, 巴哈SAE, 具体的独木舟, Formula SAE 和 Human-Powered Vehicle.

航空航天工程专业的学生可以通过校园里200多个俱乐部和组织参与到课堂之外的活动中来, including several related to aerospace engineering. Explore all clubs 和 organizations.

Biomedical Engineering Minor

随着医学和医疗保健的各个领域越来越依赖于技术的进步, 具有生物医学工程原理和生物科学知识的综合专业知识的毕业生将有很高的需求. Learn more about the biomedical engineering minor.


辅修机器人课程为该领域提供了坚实而连贯的介绍,包括四门必修的核心课程和三门选修课程. Learn more about the 机器人 minor.

Or Choose From a Range of Other Minors

esball国际平台客户端有广泛的辅修课程、专业课程和专业咨询课程. We'll help you design an education that meets your goals 和 interests. Learn more about minors, concentrations 和 tracks.


你知道有多少应届毕业生在毕业后一年就发射了一颗研究卫星? 或者创办了一家初创公司,发射卫星作为其他卫星的眼睛,使导航更安全? 或者被列入福布斯“未来1000名:重新定义美国梦的新贵企业家”名单? We know one: aeronautical engineering graduate Sergio Gallucci ’16.

Listed on Forbes Under 30 Science 2024



Many of our graduates will go on to become aerospace engineers. 然而, 我们的航空航天工程专业的就业机会还包括以下角色:

  • 设计工程师
  • 制造工程师
  • 建模工程师


由于他们的技术技能和专业解决问题的经验, our graduates l和 positions at leading companies. 许多航空航天工程专业的学生也选择继续在esball国际app院学习.



  • 阿特拉斯空气
  • BAE系统公司.
  • 巴斯夫
  • 波音公司
  • Ensign Bickford Industries
  • 车库
  • General Dynamics Mission Systems
  • General Dynamics, Electric Boat
  • 全球Foundries
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 卢娜创新
  • 海军核实验室
  • NAVSEA - Supervisor of Shipbuilding
  • 普拉特 & Whitney, a Raytheon Technologies Company (RTX)
  • 斯凯孚美国有限公司.
  • 解决方案的游戏
  • SpaceX公司
  • 联合发射联盟


  • esball国际平台客户端
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Department of Mechanical 和 Aerospace Engineering
电话: 315-268-6586

有兴趣了解更多有关航空航天工程学士学位的知识? Contact the Department today with your questions.

2023 Undergrad University Placement Rate

Clarkson Rocketry Club Takes Off

Students in the Clarkson Rocketry Club are dedicated to designing, 利用他们在工程课程中获得的知识建造和飞行高性能火箭.


Our Latest Lab - Integrating Multiple Disciplines

Dr. Michael Bazzocchi和Marcias Martinez教授的新AIDFab实验室拥有尖端的金属3D打印机, 机器人, 和 other state-of-the-art technologies. 该项目是Clarkson团队和La Fondation Dassault的合作项目,满足了对适应技术日益增长的需求,以支持老化. 



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