

施工管理亮点 & 机会


esball国际平台客户端机电咨询集团(C3G) is an in-house esball国际平台客户端 capability that provides pre-professional consulting in planning, 工程, 建筑区域.  This business enterprise uses students in an experiential learning mode in order to deliver products that the targeted market segments would not be otherwise able to conduct these efforts using professional consulting services. 


Clarkson’s Construction Management SPEED teams compete every Fall in the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) 第一赛区比赛. 获胜的队伍将在二月份前往内华达州里诺市参加全国ASC比赛 第6/7区比赛. 2023 marked the 8th year in a row that Clarkson Construction Engineering Management has had a team place at the regional level.


每年CEM的教员都会做广告, encourage and support student applications across the 民事 and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department to both the national Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America and the AGC NYS competitions. What is especially significant is that Clarkson students were awarded seven of the 22 scholarships given out by AGC NYS in 2022, 大约三分之一, 从所有的土木工程, 施工技术, 和/或纽约州建筑管理专业的学生申请者. Clarkson students are often selected to be a part of the American Society of 民事 Engineers – Construction Institute (ASCE-CI) “Student Days” competition held each summer.



每年,esball国际平台客户端建筑工程管理(CEM)计划的企业赞助商 Kiewit 为全国从事建筑项目的女性提供旅行的机会, 包含一切费用的支付, 到奥马哈, Nebraska to spend several days learning about leadership in construction and connecting with women mentors in the construction industry.  Kiewit的高选择性课程, 基辅未来女性峰会(FWIK), is among the best ways for young emerging women construction professionals to learn what the benefits of a career in construction entails.


建筑工程管理(CEM)项目旨在让我们的学生参与到现实生活中, 亲自动手的, 深刻的经验和学习.  作为这些努力的一部分, CEM计划邀请来自整个行业的领导者成为“骑士的专业人士”.“通常一学期有四门课程, 这些专业人士坦率地与学生谈论他们的历史, 有建筑行业的知识和经验. 他们为进入这个领域提供了宝贵的提示和建议, 并在晚上回答很多问题.


esball国际平台客户端在本科和esball国际app阶段的CEM项目是全国最好的. 由于我们的培训,我们的学生受到许多顶级公司的追捧, 知识, 以及他们在esball国际平台客户端获得学位的同时获得的专业发展.  每学期, students at all levels have the opportunity to visit building and infrastructure projects that bring the classroom into context and real-word applications.




esball国际平台客户端 Students Explore Sustainable Building Practices in and around the Nation’s Capital


霍华德E. 莱克勒是克莱顿和古弗诺家族的知名元老, 出生在芝加哥的纽约居民, 二战期间在美国军队服役, and graduated from esball国际平台客户端 in May 1948 with a Bachelor of Science in 民事 Engineering degree. 1948年,霍华德作为esball国际平台客户端土木工程教授开始了他的职业生涯. John Rouse interviewed several candidates and saw Howards' management potential to start up the highly successful and now very large, 多处, 今天被称为Cives钢铁公司的钢铁制造企业,总部设在阿尔法雷塔, 乔治亚州. cif钢, 他一生的工作, is one of the largest steel fabricators in the United States with six fabrication facilities strategically located throughout the US.

Howard went on to earn a Master of Science Engineering degree from Clarkson in 1953 and received an Honorary degree from Clarkson in 1978. In 2016, Clarkson was honored to receive a gift to endow the Construction Engineering Management (CEM) program’s director position in perpetuity. esball国际平台客户端的CEM项目是为了纪念霍华德作为一个非常成功的商人的遗产, 热心的水手, 猎人和渔夫, though a seat on the CEM advisory board for the Lechler/cif钢 family as well as its commitment to the very best in construction education regionally and nationally.

罗纳德·P. Wells ‘68 received a bachelor’s degree in 民事 工程 from Clarkson College of Technology and led an extraordinary construction career, 1968年由Peter Kiewit Sons ' Company创立的. 在接下来的二十年里, 他从事管理工作, 从工程师到副总裁, 建设高速公路, 桥梁, 工业工作, 以及大型民用相关建设项目. In 1990, he became Vice President of Operations for Dillingham’s North American operations and simultaneously was President of Dillingham, 加拿大. 30年后,Ron担任了Stacy的总裁兼首席执行官 & Witbeck公司. 在罗恩的领导下, the firm grew from a regional construction company to a nationwide industry leader constructing light rail, 通勤铁路, 有轨电车, 及其他重型民用交通建设项目.

Ron是几个建筑行业协会的领导者, 包括海狸乐队, 和鼹鼠们. 他也是esball国际平台客户端捐赠表彰计划的好骑士协会的成员. 他既是一位忠诚的捐款人,也是一位有领导才能的捐款人. 通过他的慷慨, several critical efforts were accomplished including the hiring of its first Construction Engineering Management (CEM) 导演, 课程扩展, 重新强调实习和安置, 成立CEM顾问委员会, 以及esball国际平台客户端CEM项目在整个建筑行业的认可. 为了纪念罗恩, 感谢他对esball国际平台客户端建筑工程管理项目的领导和慷慨支持, esball国际平台客户端在2024年以他的名字命名了CEM主任办公室. 

桑迪·金斯伯格54年, 布鲁克林高中07级, 纽约, 1954年毕业于esball国际平台客户端,2007年被授予荣誉博士学位. Sandy served in the Marine Corps Reserve and worked in the Construction Management industry as a 民事 Engineer and Construction Executive. 他是美国土木工程师协会的终身会员, 也是esball国际平台客户端校友会的前任主席. 他的传奇生涯包括重建和保护美国一些最著名的地标, 包括自由女神像和埃利斯岛. In 1995, 他获得了埃利斯岛荣誉勋章, 表彰他对美国斯堪的纳维亚基金会的贡献, 美国斯堪的纳维亚协会和挪威之子. In 2018, esball国际平台客户端 established a unique fund to perpetually resource and enable all expense paid field trips for students, 通常与澳电顾问委员会成员和企业合作伙伴合作.


esball国际平台客户端在本科和esball国际app阶段的CEM项目是全国最好的 with a consistent 100% year over year placement rate of our graduates in the construction industry.  Our strong relationship with partners and sponsors provides many opportunities for our students and assurance our students are graduating with the skills needed to be ready to enter the workforce.  由于我们的培训,我们的学生受到许多顶级公司的追捧, 知识, 以及他们在esball国际平台客户端获得学位时获得的专业发展.

澳电董事会成员:  特纳建筑公司霍华德·E. 勒克勒家族(由 Cives钢铁公司)

赞助商: 巴雷特铺路材料, DDS公司, ECS, Kiewit, Ruston铺平道路

杰姆的合作伙伴:  哈里森 & Burrowes桥梁建造公司, Kokosing, 派克公司, 石板山建筑公司, 泰奥加高中的入学率建设


cem@ydspd.com, (315) 268-4017

埃里克·C. 巴克斯,Ph值.D., P.E., leed ap + c, env sp, FMP
实践教授 & 霍华德E. 勒克勒48届,53届硕士,78届硕士
